We have been professional translators for more than 20 years now. Being members of the German translators’ association, BDÜ - Europe’s largest association for professional translators - we only produce high-quality translations. All translators only translate into their native language - English, Spanish or German. All translators employed by us inhouse or as freelancers must have a corresponding translation/language degree or qualification and at least 5 years of experience.
Our focus is on Spanish to English and also German - English - German translations. As our translation office is based in Germany in the centre of Europe,we have no problems finding the expert English, Spanish or German translator fitting your translation job.
We mainly translate legal documents into German, Spanish and English. These legal documents include agreements, divorce papers, emigration documents, employment contracts etc. For the German Seite see Spanisch-Übersetzer.
Proprietor: Suzanne C. Eisenmann B.A. (Hons), German and Spanish to English translator
Weimarer Str. 49
76139 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel.:+49 0721-96831-46
email: contact@englishspanishtranslator.net
Founded on 1 June 1990 in Pforzheim, Germany
European VAT no. DE144100052